Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This And That

Yes, call us Trekkies, but yeah, we went and saw Star Trek for a third time last night. We've also been slowly making our way through the first season of the Star Trek tv series on Roku. Many of the episodes seem like old friends, ones I used to hang out with after school, with the scent of dinner cooking in the background. It's suprising to see Bones and Spock, digitally enhanced and in color-- I think I watched most Star Trek on a 19" black and white tv, back in 1978. For years we've tried to interest the kids in the series only to hear "noooo, it's boring!" Since seeing the movie, they can't get enough. Let the newest reinvention of Star Trek, um, live long and prosper.

On another note: it's sunny today. I don't think it was supposed to be sunny, but we'll take it! I think some heavy sitting at the beach all day is in store for us. If you, too, live anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon Line, get out and enjoy this blessed sunshine! (And anyone south of the line, please send us up some of that extra sweltering heat you've got going on down there, thanks!)

I also want to congratulate Olivia on her recent Bench Monday photo that also went to Explore. (Did I mention we're also Flickrites?) This proud mama just had to share.

In garden news, the rain and coolish temps certainly have not hurt the Brassica family or any of the leafy greens. Our tomatoes are slowly coming along, however. If you haven't tried tatsoi yet, try to get yourself some seed. It's delicious, versatile, grows quickly and is beautiful to look at. I made a salad the other night with baby spinach, tatsoi and cucumbers. I toasted some pine nuts and dried dates in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper then tossed the greens in the dressing. It was super yummy! Our experience with growing tatsoi so far has been very positive. It's a gorgeous plant, so I may begin incorporating it into all plant beds.

We've been picking the outer, largest leaves and leaving the central plant and we've had no problem picking again. It has been cool and moist, however and it prefers those conditions. We plan to do second, third or fourth sowings (it grows in temps down to 15F and under snow). I read that if you let it go to seed over the summer, it makes new plants for fall harvesting. We may try that also. Again, just a really delicious plant. Great with eggs, in salad, on wraps with chevre, and as a spinach substitute.

The new onion box that Alex made from an old cedar bench is also working out well. We just sowed these onions and they seem to be thriving.

Also, we've been able to pick about a handfull of strawberries daily. I may create a patch for next year so we can control harvest better since currently the strawberry plants are mixed into our flower beds.

I'm pleased with our containers this year. I like the bright colors on the deck with the orange picnic table.

In flower news, the lupine, iris, Lady's Mantle, clematis, yellow lilies and various phlox are all in bloom. In just the last couple of days, the rosa rugosa has bloomed, as has the peony, the Mock Orange and Beauty Bush. The Highbush Cranberry Viburnum is also in bloom and as a friend recently noted, "it's like nose sex" in our garden.

We also have giant sweet peas this year, but they haven't bloomed yet. I know that they, too, also enjoy this cooler, wet weather. I always look forward to the lovely sweet peas (and it's my birth flower).

And most exciting today--it's our first CSA pick-up!! Yay! So sometime this afternoon we'll take a quick trip over to Broadtrun Farm to say hello to friends, farmers and animals and pick-up our share.

Alright, time to get packed up and head down to the beach. Bountiful garden and sunshine blessings to you All!


  1. Awesome flowers!!! You've got a lovely green thumb.

  2. Yey for Star Trek :D And I love your containers! Such a splash of colour.



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