Chinese New Year several years ago

We are basically still on break as the kids don't continue their homeschool classes with Miss Tina again until end of next week, which they are very much looking forward to. They'll both be taking American Literature- Multi-Sensory Approach (when they'll read The Jungle, The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird), Geometry: Constructions, Immigration: Thematic Unit, and Hands-On Algebra: Part 2, which they both love. I think they will both be very busy, but that's how they like it. This semester, however, things will be more simple since we gave the kids a laptop each for Yule. Worth every penny, I tell you. Whew! (Remember, we were all sharing the one family computer and it was a struggle to meet everyone's needs in a timely manner.)
Meanwhile, we've been enjoying some cozy days at home, relaxing, relishing some new books ( Catching Fire, Everwild, Leviathon, Odd And The Frost Giants and Thirteen Reasons Why) to name a few, and pretty much just enjoying each other's company.
January always inspires me to make changes in the home, too and there's so much inspiration out there, I'm sure we'll be having fun making home as winter continues. I've mentioned that Olivia's room is next on the list, as she'd love some new paint and curtains and rearrange. Lately she and I have been most inspired by this trend. Specifically, she's thinking a rich flannel gray would be her cup of tea, and I have to agree. I've always liked Earl Gray. Like this, say.
photo by Dean Street

Also, I think I've come full-circle and though our kitchen has imperfections (many, many imperfections), I realize that it's not all that bad and has it's own eclectic punch. It's good sometimes that budget makes us step back and wait, I think, so we don't all end up with the cherry-kitchen-stainless-polished-Chinese-granite-look that is so, so (oh my head oh so) prevalent (echoing Anna's pov here, read more and check out her cool kitchen while you're at it, too). That's not us, and not the kind of kitchen we'd be happy using. I still would love to open our kitchen up more, swap the counters out for wood, change some appliances, but basically, it's okay. Really. To convice myself further, I look to these gorgeous spaces for inspiration and affirmation.
photo from Ohh Food

from stylist Anna Richardson, via Decor 8

photo Marie Claire Maison, via Door Sixteen

photo Wary Meyers, via Door Sixteen

Additionally, and I've mentioned this before, but I'm eclectic at heart. So though I admire those beautiful minimalist spaces I see out there, I would never truly be happy in such a space for long. I have to have color, some collections, lots of art and lots of texture. (Need convincing? I stumbled on this absolutely gorgeous photostream this week.) Texture and color practically build a home, in my view. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I received these items from my kiddos and husband for Yule. I now have two new favorite, warm and cheery corners of my home.

I like this spot, too, and I never leave home without one of my beloved scarves. It's January you know. It may be cold, but it's warm inside. May it also be so for you.

I LOVE your home posts...they are always so warm and cozy and inspiring. You've also given me the idea to try out a Chinese New Year celebration this go-round. Looks like fun!!