Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yule: Fourth Day

Yule Greetings

Yule greetingsbefore the solstice comes

For a an hour or two, we sat around the table this evening writing out the Yule cards (just in time for Solstice, ah hem). We talked of old friends, old stories, the day the kids had and all the funny things that happend backstage during their final performance today and just how bad envelope glue tastes. We spent the time together, enjoying each other's company, which was a good thing in these hurried days of making and doing. And no, this year the cards aren't hand-crafted, but all the same, from our home to yours, we wish you a Merry Yule, good cheer and love.

1 comment:

  1. Amy- A Very Merry Yule to your family from Oregon. May you find much light on this darkest night of the year.



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