There is so much snow on the ground still and there's probably more, yet to come, but it has all taken on that sticky, slushy quality that signifies longer days and thawing, softening, earth below. Around the base of the trees, the snow has melted and receded (mostly), leaving behind bare ground, which tells us that the sap is flowing.

While Alex tapped trees and boiled sap as a child at the homestead, and each of us have boiled sap before, this tapping begins a new tradition for us all.

With so much work ahead of us on the farmhouse, some of it tedious and all of it exciting, going out to tap trees might seem slightly ambitious. In the coming months, the windows upstairs will be replaced, along with all the siding and we'll begin work inside, as well. (I see a lot of dust and paint cans in our future.) For that reason alone, it felt oh so right to be out among the trees, seeking the sweetness life on an old homestead offers.
Looks exciting!