Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Point

On Sunday we went up to Alex's family's land, The Bradstreet Homestead and to The Point on Sheepscot Pond for the annual Memorial Day cook-out and gathering with family. This is a place that holds many good memories for us and we wonder at its simple and preserved beauty each time we visit.

The day began in rain but we took a chance that the weather would improve and walked down to the pond where we had the annual setting up of the picnic table with tarp for cover event. The kids immediately set about looking for firewood because roasted marshmallows were on the menu (we prefer these or these made with fish gelatin).

We went on several walks looking for pink lady's slipper flowers and we were treated with finding many small clumps under the trees. Since these flowers are rare and fragile and bloom for such a short time, it feels magical to witness their rather unique blossoms.

Around two o'clock our weather gamble paid off and The Point glowed in the afternoon sunshine. Adam was the only one who dared to take the Memorial Day dip in the pond more than once, that is, in between marshmallow snacking, goofing around with Olivia and shooting wacky videos of unsuspecting family.

One of the best and most beautiful features of The Point is the abundant rocks, perhaps the leavings of glaciers from long, long ago. These rocks are beautiful and provide hours of fun for exploring, hopping, hiding and exploring. The rocks also provide shelter for the the flora like the lady's slippers. Low-bush blueberry and white pine nestle into the boulders, seemingly growing out of the very surface. Rock tripe covers many of the rocks, decorating them with frills and ruffles.

We had a good day. It was great to visist with family, eat yummy cook-out food and just be in that beautiful place. We're planning to do some camping there this summer, like Alex and I used to do long ago when we were first married. The kids will really get to know The Point that way and understand what a treasure it is to have in the family. Until then, we dream of roasted marshmallows.

1 comment:

  1. your lady slippers remind me of the rare and beautiful donkey orchid found in the Western Australian bush at the beginning of Spring. It is low on the ground and tiny and I know about it because I'm a bush girl x



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