Maybe it's the cooler air, the vibrance of the impending autumn and the swelling of our days, rich with new activities, but I always get what I've long-called
itchy fingers. My brain and hands begin craving putting pen to paper, brush to canvas or cloth to needle. I begin color-blocking new sewing projects in my mind as I drift off to sleep, or as I shampoo my hair in the morning. Of I find myself doodling on every scrap of paper. The trick is allowing for the time to satisfy the itch in these fingers of mine, something I'm not always great at doing. If I can easily channel the creativity into something my family needs or the house or garden needs, it's easy for me to justify hours of work devoted to those creative tasks. If it's just for me, not so much. That's something I need to work on and I know it. I've always been a bit envious of my knitting friends who bring their projects with them to the playdates, beach and book clubs. I don't (can't) knit. So that's why it's so wonderful to find sources of inspiration, like
Diana's beautiful illustrated journals.
Diane's Maine album sketch:
photo and original art by Diana GiffinNot only was I struck by how we share a similar drawing style and love of the simple things that make life beautiful, but I was reminded and inspired to get drawing again. Portable drawing books and watercolor sets? I can do that. I used to draw in a similar style as Diana's all the time, and I need and want to again.
My Dad's little brown house, from 1994.
So while I was out yesterday with the family, I picked up a small sketch book and pen. They fit nicely in my purse or bag and I plan to take them with me wherever I go. My hands are very itchy and I have Diana to thank.
i love the sweet drawing, amy! and am so happy that you've got the itch. congratulations on your new purchases and new project. Autumn does it to me every year, as well. i'm ready!