Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Tingling Misty Marvel

Exhausted, drop to earth below, to wait like children for the snow.-- E.N. Brady
November's leaf is red and sear.--Sir W. Scott

How silently they tumble down
And come to rest upon the ground
To lay a carpet, rich and rare,
Beneath the trees without a care,
Content to sleep, their work well done,
Colors gleaming in the sun.

At other times, they wildly fly
Until they nearly reach the sky.
Twisting, turning through the air
Till all the trees stand stark and bare.
Exhausted, drop to earth below
To wait, like children, for the snow.
- Elsie N. Brady, Leaves

fair death of things that, living once, were fair...--W.Morris
skies are gray, but hearts are mellow...--W.S.Braithwaite

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.
- Emily Dickinson

the morns are meeker than they were...--E. Dickinson
so I like best of all is tinged with a little sorrow...--L.Yutang
the third day comes a frost, a killing frost. --W.Shakespeare

November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.
- Elizabeth Coatsworth

November comes and November goes, with the last red berries, and the first white snows. --E.Coatsworth
the thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of.--H.D.Thoreau

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely. What else can be said??



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