We later met up with a friend in the seed barn. We collected our seeds, certain we needed just one more type of lettuce or flower seed and packed ourselves into our car and followed our friend in his trusty Subaru across back roads. It turns out we were grateful for our guide, because we never would have found our friends' home on our own. Soon, we trudged our way up a dirt road to an old white cape on a hill.

With our early start and afternoon shivering at Fedco, we were hungry. Or more precisely, wicked hungry and only moments to go until hitting hangry. So it was such a welcome relief to walk into Julie's warm and cozy, cornflower blue kitchen, scented by quiche and blackberry pie. Oh heaven!

We gave their dog many belly rubs, walked around outside some looking at gardens while discussing gardening, got cold again and went back in for pie. Lunch was so good, the company better and it was good to see our not-so-near friends in their beautiful home.

The day after Fedco is the day we spend in the garden and it's always been our way of marking Beltane, if a few days early. It was gorgeous and sunny today, but oh, that blasted wind! While I did a lot of ordering around, Alex did all the digging, moving and transplanting. Lots of hostas, day lilies and hydrangeas moved or divided, pink and white bleeding hearts and ferns, bearberry, sedum, two new spirea, a dogwood, a pie cherry, a forsythia, a river birch and a spruce, all dug and planted. I even dared to plant some flower seeds, despite the threat of seeing 29F overnight. Let's hope not.
A weekend well-spent, don't you agree?
I agree! I envy you gardeners. I like the idea of gardening much more than doing the work myself. I love strolling though other gardens and admiring the work of others. I usually buy plants already started for our small veggie garden instead of rasing the seeds myself. Thanks for sharing so I can experience gardening vicariously!