Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ice Storm : Yule : Day Eight


icy farm

like glasses clinking in the wind


iced pines

garden of ice



turkeys on the move

sad turkeys

The Solstice Cake we didn't get to yesterday is in the oven, all the laundry is caught up and I'll plan on an early dinner from the oven - all good things considering the ice that is accumulating outside. With luck, we won't lose power, but when I was last out, the wind was picking up, which is not promising. The trees swaying make an eerie sound - like clinking crystal, as the branches, coated in ice, knock against each other. If the ice builds up too much, we'll have downed branches and power lines. The wild turkeys, who seem annoyed and possibly sad, are huddling under the pines, and occasionally come out to scratch for food already layered with ice. They have my sympathy.

So as winter makes its claim out there, we'll be in here, snug, safe and busy with crafting and baking. If you are experiencing this ice storm, may you be safe and warm!

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