Saturday, December 20, 2014

Smooth Yule? Just What I Needed : Yule : Days Three - Six

I came downstairs and found Adam baking. #teen #unschooling

I was just sitting here drinking my cup of tea and now everything is blue. (It's nice to see you, Sun.)

Tonight we have gingerbread. #fromourkitchen

The dark lithograph behind this vignette was a gift from Alex last Yule and it's of a reindeer calling in the night.

I normally don't lump my Days of Yule together like this, but I'm making an exception this year. Over the weekend, I came down sick with a pretty nasty cold that laid me flat. Despite that, things have been running smoothly. The house is decorated and reasonably clean, which means these four days have looked rather similar. I've been working at my computer a great deal (as well as doing a bit of shopping) holed up in our bedroom, because it's about all I've been up to, and it helps keep my germs away from the rest of the family. The teens have been in the kitchen, mixing up cookie dough, baking and decorating huge batches of cookies. Alex has been wrapping up his work before he takes vacation for two weeks and making candy when he's not working. The days have been gray mostly, but for the burst of sunshine as the sun set, on Friday afternoon. Saturday, I folded five baskets of laundry while listening to Yule music, and listening only, as I sound a bit like Harvey Fierstein at the moment, which works for Harvey, but not so much for me. I do feel a bit better, however, and I even cleaned a bathroom. Also sans singing.

Overall, things have been peaceful. It's not every year I can say that about this final stretch up to Yule and Santa Day. I'm grateful for a smoothly running household and the chance to lay low when I've needed to.

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