Monday, April 20, 2009

New: Music Video Monday

Once I saw that Erin had instituted Music Video Monday, well I knew I had to join the fun. I admit to being picky ahead of time. I'm a very visual person, so I like a video for it's art as well as music, so if it's just musicians standing around, I'm likely to take a pass. I'm ever the sucker for a good story, something freaky, funny, cool or moving. And I may just post something funny from time to time, sans music.

So here's one of my favorite songs (it's on my spring playlist) and all-time, hands down one of the most stunning music videos ever. Taking you back to 1995, here's Madonna's Bedtime Story, written by one of my favorite artists, Bjork.


  1. Oooh.. I knew you would post something good. :)

    I had no idea that song was written by Bjork, but now that I listen to it more carefully I can hear her influence. Thank you for sharing!

  2. you can hear bjork in that song! i had no idea!
    i loved madonna giving birth to the birds.



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